Accountant head major function summary
General ledger accounting system
ĦE Multi-company, multi-year, multi-project, multi-sectoral information management.
ĦE Accounts, often a summary of commonly used phrase, the end of the provisions of table settings.
ĦE Customer information vendors, the types of settings, address the specifications set in Article.
ĦE Personal settings control the use of password authority .
ĦE Budget accounts, project budget, write-off transaction is set up.
ĦE Sector profit center system, the cost-sharing ratio .
ĦE Summons opened, changes to maintain ĦE design, engineering, project management industry .
ĦE Cash account, journal, general ledger, account control .
ĦE Details, summary statements .
ĦE Operating costs, fees, ad hoc statistical analysis of income and expenditure sheet.
ĦE Cost type multi-year comparison, the cost in comparison with the budget category table.
ĦE Balance type, account type, the total amount of spreadsheet-style .
ĦE Three year, multi-sectoral, multi-company profit and loss account over the same period in.
ĦE Month comparison, the comparative profit and loss account budget
ĦE Multi-company, multi-sectoral, the ad hoc aggregation of other profit and loss account.
ĦEThree balance sheet compared to the year and more companies .
ĦESummary balance sheet.
Accounts system
ĦE Customer accounts, vendor accounts payable schedule .
ĦE Customer accounts receivable, accounts payable aging analysis of
  vendor table .
ĦE Manufacturers detailed statements of accounts payable strike a
ĦETransaction write-off schedule of courses Statistical analysis of
  the accounts.
ĦE Statistical analysis of the chart accounts .
ĦE Other accounts receivable in accordance with customers, other
  departments, do not query the list of sales.
ĦE Customer accounts receivable outstanding receivables detailed
  analysis of transaction statements.
ĦE Vendors unpaid accounts payable detailed analysis of transaction
ĦE Chong transaction is not write-off schedule of courses .
ĦE Customer accounts, vendor accounts payable operations, single
Notes System
ĦE Between bank accounts set .
ĦE Receivable, notes payable information log on operation
ĦE Receivable, notes payable schedule .
ĦE Bank notes receivable collection schedule.
ĦE Estimated breakdown of bank funds .
ĦE Receivable, notes payable to open a computer automatically
ĦE Computer to print checks, sign checks, single, sign this .
ĦE Collection, cash, refund, tickets posted, transferred, lost, invalid,
ĦE Receivable, notes payable outstanding schedule .
ĦE Receivable, notes payable schedule various types of changes .
ĦE Breakdown between bank accounts, statements .
ĦE Chong transaction is not write-off schedule of courses .
ĦE Iinstruments in accordance with the due date, ticket collector, the
  analysis of changes on query statements .
Sales Contact Information
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